Poetry Competition…


We hope you have all had an enjoyable week.

During the final week of this term, the children have enjoyed creating their own letters to the Brazillian Government, challenging them to reconsider their decisions to cut down trees of the Amazon Rainforest to make way for a new hotel. The children did a fantastic job of including key facts, rhetorical questions as well as a range of other persuasive features. At the end of the week, both classes took part in a poetry competition. This enabled the selection of our poetry finalists in Year 3. We would like to congratulate our three winners from both classes, and wish them the very best of luck with their performances for the KS2 competition after half term. Well done Year Three!

In Maths, both classes have continued their learning on multiplication. In particular, they have enjoyed using pictorial methods as well as number lines and place value counters in order to show their understanding of multiplication as repeated addition. Across the week, the children showed true commitment when solving a range of single and multi-step word problems involving the multiplication of two and one digit numbers. Our next unit of learning shall focus upon fractions. Can you split a chocolate bar into equal groups? What arrays can you spot around your home? e.g. egg carton boxes, rows of washing pegs.

After the holidays, we look forward to beginning our new topic learning on The Romans.

We hope you all have a great half term break,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Sumba and Mrs Luter

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