Terrific toys

The children have had a jammed packed week learning all about toys!

We started off the week by looking at the toys we have at school and thinking about the materials they are made from. We then compared to a doll that was from the past to a doll that is more modern. We spoke about the differences between the two and then wrote about the materials they were made from.

For maths we learnt how to count in 10s. Here we are placing our groups of 10 on a number and counting in tens to find out how many straws we had altogether.

The children have started to write their toy information sheet for English, they have included a heading and one paragraph to describe what the toy looks like.

Please can we remind you that if your child wants to have a key ring on their bag it MUST only be one. If the book bags have more than one key ring they start to get stuck in the trays and unfortunately key rings are breaking and children are understandably getting upset.


Next week:

Maths – For maths next week we will be looking at two digit numbers and partitioning them into tens and ones. We will start by making the numbers from numicon and denies before using a tens and ones frame to record our findings.

English – We will be continuing with our toy information piece, particularly looking at verbs.

What can you do to help at home?

As we will be using two digit numbers in maths next week please remind your child of these. It doesn’t have to be with flashcards, it could be looking for numbers on houses or the side of the bin as you go for a walk.

Please encourage your child to write at home. Remind them to use their phonics, finger spaces, full stops and capital letters. At this point in the Year we would expect children to write clear sentences which make sense.

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