Autumn 2 Week 3

This week the children have been listening to The Nativity Play story by Nick Butterworth. It has been a great link to get them excited as we have begun practising for our very own nativity play!

If your child has been given a speaking part, please ensure you regularly practise your child’s lines with them at home to help them have as much confidence as possible when speaking aloud to the audience on the days of the performances.

The children have also enjoyed focusing on kindness for anti bullying week. They were given opportunities to think and talk about what it means to be kind and how could show that in discovery time with their friends.


This week some of the children have begun practising their phase 3 sounds as well embedding their phase 2 sounds. Some of these sounds they have learnt this week are j, v, w, x. It is important to not only practise the new sounds given each week but also to continue to go over all the previous sounds they have learnt so they continue to embed and remember them.



Please continue to read daily with your child for around 10 minutes. Ensure you discuss new vocabulary that may arise and help them to understand the meaning of it and how to use it in a variety of different sentences.



The children have been focusing on learning the number 6. They have been recognising the number 6 in a variety of activities and games as well as counting out objects up to 6. The children need to be able to understand the position of numbers on a number line so please encourage them to think about what is one more and one less than a given number.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Remember to upload any great learning your child does to Tapestry for us to see what they are engaging with at home.

From the Early Years Team