Pumpkin Soup

This week the children have really enjoyed focusing on the story called Pumpkin Soup. The children have looked at pictures from the story and discussed what is happening. They also enjoyed making pumpkin soup in their role play and having a go at writing their own recipes.

Here are some photos from their learning this week:

We are aware that where it is half term next week, the children really do need to have a good rest from their first busy half term in school. We encourage lots of fun, engaging activities inside and out the home where learning will still be happening without realising!


We do ask that you try and continue to read with your child daily for around 10 minutes as well as practising their phonics flash cards just to keep them in their memory for when they return to school.

There are more books that have been uploaded to the Collins eBook site where your child can engage with the pictures and talk about what is happening.


The children have now learnt to recognise numbers 0-4 and count the amount of objects to match the digit. Please continue to practise this at home with recognising numbers in the environment and daily practise with counting objects around the home.


A reminder that on Friday 12th November 2021 we are inviting all the children (and adults) to ‘Wear it Bright ‘, where pupils can come to school in their brightest non-uniform clothes to raise money for CAFOD. A £1 per child donation is requested. Please note that we will also welcome a donation of £1 per family if some parents with two or more children at St Peter’s find that donation more appropriate to their circumstances.


We hope you have a wonderful half term break.

Remember to upload any great learning your child does to Tapestry for us to see what they are engaging with at home.

From the Early Years Team