Monthly Archives: March, 2017

The chicks have arrived!!

There was great excitement today when our eggs arrived at school. They are in an incubator at the moment but will very soon begin to hatch into chicks when we will put them into a large cage so that we can watch them . We are looking forward to seeing them and being able to have a cuddle! Look out for more pictures and news next week!


Lent in Year R

We have learned a new song in Year R all about what Lent is. It is as follows, and is to the tune of Frère Jacques, if you would like to practise at home.

Prayer, fasting and almsgiving

We are meant, to repent

40 days of sacrifice

Being super, extra nice

This is Lent, this is Lent


I have also attached a Lenten prayer for you to share at home with your child. (click the link below)


Please don’t forget to collect your puzzle piece if you attend mass this week.

Have a great weekend,

The Early Years Team