Author Archive: McDermott



Hello lovely parents and pupils of year 6!

We are sooo excited for our production of ‘The Lion King Junior’ on Monday 18th July at 1.30pm and 6.00pm.


Tickets will be up for grabs soon via the school office. They will be free but you will need to collect them as we will need to keep a tally of how many we have sold. Space in the evening will not be an issue as the venue can hold 700. However, during the day, we will be limited to 300 tickets for parents.

There is no charge for tickets but we would ask for a donation at the end of the show. Any funds raised will help to cover the costs of hiring the venue, costumes, performance rights etc. Any extra we make, we will be donating to a charity of the children’s choice (to be decided in the coming weeks).


We will be providing materials for masks, extra detail on costumes e.g. felt and other materials

All that we ask is if you could supply your children with a suitable ‘base colour’ for their part – long sleeved (if possible) t-shirt and leggings/trousers/joggers.


Giraffe – yellow

Hyena – grey or black

Elephant – grey

Lion – yellow/light brown


Any questions, please send in with your children. Can all costumes please come in NAMED plastic bags which the children can hang on their pegs.

We thank you in advance for all of your help and support with costumes and fund raising. It is looking fab – we suggest you all bring tissues for the performance!!

Thank you again,

The Year 6 team


Mayan Science Morning at Oakland’s Catholic School

Mayan 1 Mayan 3 Mayan 4 Mayan 5

Home Learning/SATs week


Please don’t worry too much about SATs next week. Revise and revisit over the weekend if you feel unsure about anything.

Just a few reminders:

Home learning – any revision helpful to each test

Monday 9th May – Reading

Tuesday 10th May – Spelling and grammar

Wednesday 11th May – Maths arithmetic and reasoning paper 1

Thursday 12th May – Maths reasoning paper 2


Breakfast at 8am-8.30am (free and to be eaten in year 6)


We also have Lion King Jr auditions Monday afternoon for any budding actors! –

  • song
  • acting
  • can be in groups/pairs
  • doesn’t have to be a song from the show (just needs to show your vocal range)
  • you can have the script in front of you
  • be brave
  • you will be fabulous!


Good Luck and remember:faith

Home Learning due Friday 26th February

Home Learning due Friday 26th February

Spelling with beautiful handwriting – Please practise spelling the words from the list you were given.

MyMaths – If you have any problems with using MyMaths; please get your parents to write a note explaining the difficulty and we can make sure you get opportunity to complete in school.

Timestables – Practise using the times tables sheets after your times tables test today. Which do you need to improve or get faster at?

Stormbreaker pyramid – Thank you for all your excellent spy home learning so far!  LAST WEEK OF STORMBREAKER HOME LEARNING before our new topic! Please choose one or two more of the homework tasks from the pyramid to complete.

Be like Bill…

This is Bill.
Bill always hands in his homework.
 Bill writes it down in his yellow homework diary.
Bill checks the blog weekly.
Bill never misses his lunchtimes.
Bill makes the right choices.
Be like Bill.

This is Bill

Home Learning due in Friday 29th January

Science: How do living things adapt and change over time?

Why do they adapt? Can you find an example? Can you

design a ‘new age spy’ that has over time adapted to

their job? What might adapt? e.g eyesight, body shape etc

Spelling with beautiful handwriting – Please practise spelling the words from the list you were given last week.

MyMaths – We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.

Timestables – Can you think of a innovative way to learn one set of timestables? e.g. 7 x table through song, rap or rhyme…you could share this with the year group and help us all to learn them too!


Home Learning due in Friday 22nd January

Spelling with beautiful handwriting – Please practise spelling the words from the list you were given last week.

MyMaths – We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.

Timestables – Can you think of a innovative way to learn one set of timestables? e.g. 7 x table through song, rap or rhyme…you could share this with the year group and help us all to learn them too!

R.E: How is God revealed to us? You could show this through a prayer, story, bible extract with explanation etc – be creative!

Home Learning due in 11th December

Thank you to everyone for your hard work with home learning!

Essential home learning for this week:

Spelling with beautiful handwriting

MyMaths – online. We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.


Bloom’s Triangle Frightening Fiction – excellent so far thank you! Please carry on and choose 2 more activities to complete.

Home Learning due in Friday 4th December

Essential home learning for this week:

Spelling with beautiful handwriting

MyMaths – online. We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.


Bloom’s Triangle Frightening Fiction – start from the bottom and choose 2 activities to complete

Home Learning due in THURSDAY 26th November

Essential home learning for this week:

Home learning will be due in on Thursday next week as we have an exciting trip on Friday morning!

Spelling with beautiful handwriting

MyMaths – online. We also have a morning maths club in the library from 8am-8.45am to help you.


Maths – 4 operation madness– Please create an A4 size vocabulary and method page – more detailed than a poster please – use what you have learnt already for multiplication, division, addition and subtraction and add to it during the week as we learn about using them in word problems. You could add questions for other children to answer as well as examples of all the methods we use in year 6. I am sure Mrs Bowen would love to see them! Think about our working wall to help you – BIDMAS might also be handy!

4 operation example

EXTRA learning for self guided home learning:

Maths – Division