Being metacognitive learners

This week in Year 6 we have been focusing on ‘thinking about our thinking’, or metacognition for short. Pupils are striving to become more ‘self-aware’ of their preferred strategies in reading and maths, so that they can select from these more efficiently when required. An important element in this approach is spending time in reviewing how they did in a task, as this will inform future decision making. It is still early days but we can already see pupils being more considered in their working.

The sad passing of Kobe Bryant earlier in the week signposted us to his Oscar winning animated poem ‘To Basketball’, which he wrote upon his retirement. The children were amazed at the longevity of his career and his aspiration to become a professional basketball player from the age of six years old. His passion for the sport sings through the poem – we hope it may have encouraged some of our pupils to aim high with their personal goals.

Many thanks for your continued support in encouraging children to spend some of their time using SATSBootcamp, Sumdog, TTRockstars or their CGP revision books. We can assure you it is time well spent.


What’s on?

Please join us for the Year 5 and 6 Mass in school this coming Tuesday 4th February at 10:30am.

SATS information evening – Wednesday 12th February at 5:15pm.


Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 6 Team


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