Another busy week…

Dear all,

This week we have been sharing the results of the recent mock – SATs with the children. We felt this was an important process for the children and in many cases were asked by the children to see what they had personally achieved. We looked at the three maths papers, the reading paper, the punctuation and grammar paper and the spelling paper. The children had the opportunity to review their work, attempt corrections and analyse which areas needed development in order to set personal learning targets. These targets will be worked on in the coming weeks to consolidate any remaining misconceptions.

Please ask your children to share their analysis with you and encourage them to practise at home to consolidate their learning.

Key areas for consideration:

  • Daily reading – reading a range of non-fiction, fiction and poetry to develop vocabulary and sentence structure as well as creative thinking.
  • Practising challenging key maths areas  – Formal written methods in addition, subtraction, division, multiplication (times tables upto 12×12), fractions, measures, time and multi-step problems.
  • Written work – editing for correct punctuation, effective language choices and correct spelling (key words as well as Year 5 and 6 words). Using a variety of sentence structures to include subordinate and relative clauses.

A SATs meeting will take place on Wednesday 15th February at 5pm for you to ask any further questions you may have at this time.  A letter will be sent out early next week with specific details.

Could we also do a repeated plea for any empty shoe boxes, as soon as possible, for our upcoming science project.

As you were made aware yesterday by letter, Mrs Turner suffered the unexpected and tragic loss of her husband on Wednesday. All of the St Peter’s community have sent prayers, love and good wishes to her. The children each made personal cards for her today which were delivered to her this afternoon. She, her husband and their family have been remembered in our prayers at St Peter’s and I am sure will also be remembered in yours.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 6 Team


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