
Dear Parents and Carers,

Our focus this week has been preparation for our Remembrance Day assembly.  The children enjoyed reading and analysing poetry and used different poetic devices to write their own. The results were impressive and many have been published in a book which was offered in assembly. Five children read out their poems and others have been included in our Spirituality book.  We would also like to thank those children who made an effort at home to produce something for Remembrance. A PowerPoint was included in assembly and other offerings added to the sense of occasion. It is very heartening to see children applying their school learning to their independent home activities.

Children have come home today with their new home learning pyramid. We hope that this term all children will make a big effort to complete work weekly. We have ensured that all of the tasks are achievable. Although the tasks can be completed independently, could we ask you to check that they are completed to a high standard of content and presentation before pages are stuck in? Also, the scrapbooks get damaged very easily, so transporting them in a plastic wallet would be very helpful. Thank you for your help with this; we want the children to feel pride in the work they produce.

Yesterday we were involved in a workshop about bullying, which the children found both enjoyable and thought provoking. We will be following this up next week.

Next Friday, 18th November, Year Six will be spending the morning at Fort Purbrook, taking part in Junior Citizen activities. We will be collected from school at 9.05 and will be back by lunchtime, so the children won’t need to bring anything extra. Please make sure they are wearing warm coats as some of the activities will be outside.

Please make sure you check your child’s Home Learning Diary regularly. You may be pleasantly surprised and find a silver or gold sticker if your child has demonstrated excellent learning behaviour; we may also communicate other issues.

Thank you for your attendance at Parents Evening. It was good to see so many of you and we appreciated your supportive comments. We will continue to support your children in achieving their targets at school and hope that you will encourage them to apply them in their home learning. We are sure you know how important your support is and the positive effect it has on your children’s progress in school.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

The Year Six team.


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