Homework due 14.1.15 Don’t forget Abacus and MyMaths!

Using reported speech
Changing Direct Speech to Reported Speech
1. 1st person changes to 3rd, e.g. I changes to he or she
2. Present tense changes to past, e.g. are changes to were
3. Past tense changes to a ‘had’ tense (past perfect), e.g. went changes to had gone
4. Future tense changes to ‘would’ e.g. will make changes to would make
5. Sometimes direct speech will be shorter; sometimes reported speech will be shorter.
6. Sometimes you need to add ‘feeling’ words, e.g. Wow! becomes He expressed surprise.

1) Decide whether these examples are direct or reported speech and add the correct punctuation in each case. Remember that direct speech is the actual words said, but reported speech is not.
a) I love to go fishing remarked Bob
b) Joe said that he felt ill
c) The Inspector told us he was investigating the case
d) We want to go out right now shouted Layla
e) Mr Bates frowned and then said I just can’t remember any more
f) Lily admitted that she had not done what she had promised

2) Read the example, then use it to help you to turn the other sentences into reported speech.
Example: “! need some money,” said Dad.
Dad said that he needed some money.
a) “I want to help,” whined Mandy.
b) Mr Larkin said, “I hope to see all you children at the school fair on Saturday.”
c) Miss Green said, “We are writing poems today.”
d) “It’s raining again,” sighed Ranjit.
e) The reporter continued, “Police hope to arrest a man soon.”
f) “Dad and I need some help now,” said Mum.
g) “The shop is shut now,” said the manager.
h) “Don’t treat me like a baby!” snapped Bella.

3) This section contains feelings and / or chatty (informal) language. Find the best way to express both formally. There may be different ways of doing this. Read the example first.
Example “Ugh! Spiders!” screamed Alfie.
Alfie screamed that he hated spiders.
a) “We’re very concerned about these tatty old houses,” said the councillor.
b) “No way!” laughed Betty. “You don’t mean Harkan’s scored a goal!”
c) “I’m astonished! In Year 6 you should know better than this!” exclaimed the Head.
d) “We’re at this well cool party,” said Adam down the phone.
e) “No! You’re bang out of order! Put that back!” screamed her sister.
f) “It’s been tough but this looks like the best of the bunch,” commented the competition judge.

4) Now summarise this conversation in reported speech.
“What were you doing on Tuesday evening?” asked the detective.
“Er… let me think,” replied Mr Bates. “Oh yes – that’s right – taking the dog for a walk. We always go out about eleven.”
“And what did you see on Tuesday night?”
“Well, at first it looked normal. Then I thought, ‘Wow! Look at that!”
“Tut! Can you be more precise? What was it you saw?”
“In the street light on the corner I could see loads of like greeny blob things. Weird. It was really weird.” Mr Bates scratched his head and pondered.
“Could you tell me more about these – er – ‘greeny blob things’?”
“At first I was like, ‘Wow! What’s that?’ Then when they got closer I could see it was toads on lily pads. Flying.”
“And how many were there, do you estimate?”
“Oh loads. Loads of them. Yeah. Weird.”
“How many is that?”
“Ooh er… I’d say…. maybe…. about…. well….. a hundred? No……. more….. maybe two hundred….. well, loads.”

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