Author Archive: clairecooper

week ending 26.2.16

Thank you to all the parents that were able to attend the spelling workshop this week. We spent the session playing a variety of games based primarily on the year 5 and 6 word list (see previous posts). The website Woodlands Junior School was recommended for both Maths and spelling support for home as part of this session.

Maths homework: timetables sheets have been sent home today.

Abacus homework has been set.


Spellings: sheet has been sent home

New topic and RE pyramids were sent home today. See posts below.


Lastly, just a reminder it is 5C’s trip to Airbus on Monday and 5W’s trip on Tuesday. Children in 5C will need to bring packed lunch in a carrier bag and a coat in case of rain.


Have a brilliant weekend,

The Year 5 Team

RE Homework-To be started after February Half Term

Please ignore the hand in date on the previous home learning sheet. Homework is to be handed in on the last day before the Easter holidays.


RE Homework

New Space Topic Homework-To be started after half term.

Space Homework

Happy Half Term!

Happy Half Term!

Just a quick reminder about what the children are expected to do over the half term:

Reading: Every child in 5C has now been told whether they have moved up a book band. The expectation is the children do reading at least 3 x a week of this book and record this reading in their reading diaries.

Maths: Abacus: New Abacus homework has been set.

Spellings: A battleships grid has been sent home with the children to complete using the statutory year 5/6 word list document (see post below). The children can choose as many/as few of these words to learn as they would like.

That’s it! I hope the children have a relaxing week off.

The Year 5 Team


Year 5 and 6 Statutory Word List


Week Ending 5.2.16

Another busy, but enjoyable, week had by all.

Homework this week:
Due in Thursday 11th February (due to INSET on Friday 12th)

Spellings: Silent g and silent k spelling sheet sent home today.

Maths: New Abacus homework set x2
Times table sheets should have been brought home.

Reading: New BugClub books set

Please also note that 2 letters went home today about our school trip in February(5C)/March(5W) and about a spelling session we will be having in school after half term. Please ensure reply slips are brought in as soon as possible.

Have a brilliant weekend!
The Year 5 Team

Week Ending 29th January

Hope you have had all had as good a week as we have had in year 5!

Homework this week: Due in 5.2.16

Maths: 2x activities set from My Maths
Timestables sheets sent home

Spellings: Sheet sent home

Reading: Continue reading bug club

Ensure diary is filled in every day to show what learning has been carried out.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 Team

Week Ending 22.1.16

HOMEWORK THIS WEEK: To be completed by 29.2.16

Please ensure that all reading diaries are brought in every day and are signed at the end of the week with a parent/carer signature-thanks 🙂 Children should be recording their homework in their diaries.

-Abacus: 2x activities
-Times tables sheet (of their choice)

-Bug club set
-Reading book at appropriate level

Spelling sheet sent home.

We have had some brilliant Topic homework sent in so far-we look forward to seeing the rest!

Have a brilliant weekend everyone,

The Year 5 Team

Week Ending 15.1.16

    Homework this week:

Due in 21.1.16

Maths: Abacus homework set.
Times-tables sheets sent home.

Reading: Bug Club and home reading books.

Spellings: Sheet sent home.

Topic and RE: Continuing from last week.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Year 5 team

Week Ending 4.1.16

Year 5 have had a great first week back after Christmas; it has been lovely to hear that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing break.


New RE homework sheets have been handed out-remember that at least 1 activity should be completed this half term.

Topic homework is continuing with the same sheet as last half term, though the children have been set the challenge of creating a 3D WW2 structure to go on our display unit in our Year 5 area. They can create anything WW2 related so get creative!


Abacus: 2 activities have been set for children to practise their mental addition and their times table knowledge.
Timestable sheet: At least one sheet to be completed for next Friday.

Children to complete the practise sheet sent home on Friday.

2 new books have been added to the children’s reading list for Bug Club.

Have a great week!
Year 5 team.