Monthly Archives: April, 2018

27th April, 2018

This week in maths the children have been converting metric measures, for example ml to l, kg to g, using their understanding of place value. They have solved multi-step problems involving measures. In English, they have finished their superhero posters and are now considering whether superheroes are good role models.

Please continue to work on the spelling lists, using the strategies given. This week they have done more Year 3/ 4 revision and looked at commonly misspelled words. Children must carry on learning words from their personal spelling lists.

Reading comprehension homework is due on Monday, when another one will be sent home. All children should now have some creative homework ideas for our topic on Coasts. One piece should be submitted this half term, and personal research into coastal formation should be encouraged. Please don’t forget that children should be reading daily as well as practising spellings and maths.

This week Joseph Tyler (5E) received the golden leaf award for working hard in all areas of the curriculum. Charlie Cripps (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Millie Worrall (5T) received the golden leaf award for working hard and never giving up when faced by a challenge. Molly Perkins (5T) has her writing on the showstopper wall. Mathemagicians of the month were Gracie Tinsley-Jones, 5E, and Kyle Gardner, 5T.

Yesterday, several Year 5 children from the Prayer Garden group presented their ideas to governors and members of the Friends of St Peters. They successfully convinced both parties to contribute to our project – well done! Please look out for our fund-raising ideas in the not-too-distant future, and think of us if you have any surplus compost/bedding plants/perennials from your spring gardening. We would be grateful for any donations.

Have a great weekend,

The Year 5 team

20th April, 2018

This week the children have been using their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages to solve problems. In English, they have started a new topic about superheroes in response to an advert from Marvel. We are learning about persuasive language and description.

Please continue to work on the spelling lists, using the strategies given. This week they are doing some specific Year 3/ 4 revision and have a list of the words given. Also, remind children to learn words from their personal spelling lists. Reading comprehension homework is due on Monday, when another one will be sent home.

This week Nathan Jose (5E) received the golden leaf award for being a really good role model and consistently working hard in all areas of the curriculum. Lillie Churcher (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Emma Mpario (5T) received the golden leaf award for being polite, helpful and responsible. Tia Abbinnett (5T) has her writing on the showstopper wall.

If the weather continues to be as glorious as it has been this week, please ensure your child has a hat and sunscreen. It is even more important than usual for them to have a named water bottle in school.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 5 team