Bright Buttons

Bright Buttons

On Monday the 13th of June, seven year fives went to Crookhorn to take part in a learning day (Bright Buttons). Lessons included RE, Poetry, Mathematics, Literacy, DT and Forensic Science. In RE we had a lesson on evaluation, including tasting brands of chocolate and coke. In poetry we discussed how poems are formed and the structure of them, we also discussed the most famous poems. In Mathematics we looked at the art of code breaking and we made our own manual for the code we had made. In Literacy we thought about what we would do if the world was ours and if we made the rules. We had to look at if the rules provided equalness. In DT we made personalised key rings using vices, junior hacksaws and Brasso to polish. We had to select a shape then cut out with the junior hacksaws and then sand them for a perfect edge. Finally, we did Forensic Science and we were the police solving a crime using fingerprint matching, microscopes, chemicals and chromatography. After half an hour of investigation we found the culprit. Overall, everyone enjoyed the day and would love to do it again.

By Emily Polley and Claudia Foster



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