What a September!

Hello everyone,


We hope you are well and keeping safe.

In English this week, the children have been exploring lots of vocabulary to help them compare the eroding scrapyard to the lively forest and then creating expanded noun phrases to annotate pictures. We then explored different tools and metal objects along with matching verbs and adjectives. Next week, the children will be writing a diary entry in first person  discussing how the characters feelings change throughout the story of the Tin Forest. Vocabulary homework this week includes synonyms for rusty so over the next week, please discuss the words with your child at home – this is a really good warm up to prepare the children before we start out final writes.

In Maths, we have started our new unit of addition and subtraction. The children began the week looking at a think aloud problem in which they used their metacognition skills to dissect and solve. Here they were introduced to the method of inverse where the children need to work backwards. They then found links with addition sentences and recognised the subtraction derived facts.

Just a couple of quick reminders –

  1. Please ensure your child arrives to school on Thursday 7th October 2021
  2. Home learning due for next Friday (8th October) includes: Yellow home reading journals (book review) and Red home learning books (spelling, vocabulary and Maths).
  3. The children also have their Sumdog and Times Table Rockstar logins stuck on the inside cover of their red home learning books. Please encourage your child to keep logging on to these websites in order to continue their practise of fluency skills.
  4. Thank you to all the children bringing in their Reading Passports, we can see there has been lots of reading at home. Please continue to encourage your children to ‘Read for Pleasure’

We hope you all have a great weekend,

Best Wishes,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson

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