Home Learning wc. 18.1.21-22.1.21

Hello everyone, we hope that you are all well and keeping safe. Please take a look at  the below copies of your English, Maths, History, Science, DT/Art and RE activities which are already on your Microsoft Teams.

Please note: For Monday’s learning on English, please re-watch the video on how to practise speech with punctuation (you can find this on link 1 under the English assignment for this week)  – for today’s task, we would like you to apply this skill in order to create a conversation between Pod and the human being through the doll house window. Can you predict what each character would say to one another? Remember your speech rhyme and to use verbs and adverbs to add detail about the feelings of each character. 

You shouldn’t need to print anything (you can always write it  out if you need to)  to complete this work, though it would be useful for you to record your ideas down and keep them all together in a notebook or work book at home. You should be able to complete these activities on your own as we understand your grown ups may be working from home. During the live check in sessions, your teacher will suggest the activities you should complete for that day and give you the appropriate briefing. These live check in sessions will be three times a day, except Friday afternoons. We will set you new work for next week and this will be posted on Microsoft Teams every Monday so that you have a whole week to work through it from home. Thank you for your patience last week and well done for giving remote learning a go. The work that has been handed in is excellent.

A couple of polite reminders

  • Children are to choose a small selection of pictures of their work to upload onto Teams. This will then allow the teachers to view the work and give brief feedback.
  • Please remind your children to only use the chat bar for learning purposes only. If they have any question once the live session has ended, they are to message the teacher directly on Microsoft Teams.

Take care everyone, Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns.


An introduction from Miss Hawley:







Hi everyone,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well. I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Miss Hawley and I am currently working in Kangaroo class with Miss Honeywell. I will be with the year four team for the spring term.

Most of Kangaroos would have met me briefly on the first Monday of school after Christmas (when everything was fairly normal). I have been teaching some of the children who have been in school for the last 2 weeks and have seen some of the children’s home learning, which has been fantastic! You may see me from time to time joining in with the online teaching with Miss Honeywell for some of the live sessions.

I look forward to seeing everyone soon, whether this be in person or on the Microsoft Teams live sessions.

Best Wishes,

Miss Hawley.


English –


L.O: To practise speech with punctuation




L.O: To generate vocabulary for the build up




L.O: To plan the build up




L.O: To write the build up




L.O: To analyse the climax and resolution



Support tasks:

Continue to use the PowerPoint PDF to support your writing of the story build up. Make sure you email us some examples of your sentences.


Challenge Activity:

Can you complete a chart to compare the feelings between Pod and Homily at this point in the story? What might each character be thinking during the build-up scene?


Pod’s thoughts and feelings Homily’s thought and feelings




Have a go at the following Y3/4 Spelling Words. Which strategies could you use to practise them? Choose two from the following list:

  • Rainbow Write
  • Spelling staircase
  • Writing pyramids


Regular Favourite
Various Forward
Particular Women
Peculiar Century
Bicycle Centre


WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT: Please send a photo or upload a document of your work on The Borrowers so far. You will need to complete all 5 lessons we have set in order to do this.



Daily Maths Arithmetic:

Use the following links throughout the week (10 minutes a day) and choose different activity from the one websites a day.

Daily ten – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10

TTR – https://ttrockstars.com/

Sumdog – https://www.sumdog.com/en/

Bitesize – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z826n39

Top mark – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

Maths Frame – https://mathsframe.co.uk/



Lesson 1: To be able to read and construct time graphs.


Lesson 2: To be able to compare time graphs.


Lesson 3: To be able to interpret time graphs.


Lesson 4: To be able to construct a time graph.


Lesson 5: To consolidate what we have learnt about time graphs.




Try this test question.

Have a go at writing your own questions using the data to test someone at home!


If you found the above work too tricky, then give this a go…

Activity – Last week you looked at bar charts. Your task is to create your own bar chart by collecting data. This might be how many different vegetables have you eaten in a week/ How many time the telephone rings in one day/ How many cars go past your house with in an hour. You could create a time graph and document the time you woke up/went to bed every day.

Once you have collected your data throughout the week, enter this onto a colourful chart. You can be as creative as you want (time graph / pictogram /bar chart) and then analyse your findings for example what was the most eaten vegetable, what was the most common car colour?

Please upload a small selection of photos (Max 5) to show your learning from this week.


Science Home Learning – Living Things Longitudinal Study

Have a think about where you found your living creatures last week – which habitats were they living in?

Now let’s have a think about the dangers humans may have posed towards these living things, including plants. How could you make the area safer to help protect the habitat in future?

Fill out your ideas below.


Can you draw what you noticed in the dangers column? Now add labels for further detail.



How much litter did you find in your chosen area? Record as a tally. Now can you write a letter to your local council to explain the threat to wildlife in your chosen area. Can you persuade them to make changes for the future?


Use the ideas below to help you.


Amount of litter:

What are the effects of litter in the area?


Religious Education – Christmas Messengers


For your final piece of learning on our Christmas unit, we would like you to think carefully about the angels in the Nativity story.



Draw a picture of an angel.

  • On the inside, jot down the special jobs that the angels had to do and their caring qualities.
  • On the outside, record the messages they delivered and how they made other people feel.



Task 1: Write a job advert and job application, for one of the Christmas angels? What qualities are required? Why are you suitable for the role?




Can you write a postcard to deliver the Good News of the birth of Jesus? How can your postcard spread hope and joy to other people? Try to include the following key words:

Messiah, Saviour, Christ, New-born King, celebrate



How could you be a messenger of the Good News today? How can you show compassion, kindness, peace and forgiveness towards others? Use the following key words in your response:

Redeemer, Message, Followers, because, commandments


Design and Technology

LO: To be able to research, evaluate and gather information of the existing products to help inform your design criteria.


Last week you researched different money carriers. This week we would like you to use the information you gathered from last lesson and design the front and back of your own money carrier! Think about the purpose, your customer and what would appeal to them, the materials, how you’re going to make it, how you’re going to join it. Make sure you annotate your design with your ideas and materials. Hopefully when we return to school, we will be able to make our designs!

To challenge yourself, think about how you are going to join the pieces of material together? How are you going to fasten your money carrier so the money does not fall out?

Record your design on a piece of paper or if you need support use the purse format below. Remember use a ruler and ensure you have taken care when designing. Also be realistic with your designs.

Extra challenge: If you are able to and have the resources, can have a go at these different stitches. Make sure you are careful with the needle, you ask an adult for help and you are resilient. Stitching is very tricky! Just keep trying and see what straight stitch lines you can make.

If you have not got thread and needle, see what else you can use. For example, use string, a pencil and cardboard/Ribbon weaving.



LO: To give explanations for ‘cause and effect’ events

Today we are going to look at how did the Vikings try and take over England.

Below are the events that happened during the period of the Vikings raiding and settling from 789AD – 1066AD.



Your task this week is to create a living graph (See below) you need to compare when the Vikings were a large threat and in control of Britain to when they had little control. You will need to print and cut out the strips (Or write them out on strips of paper) and order them chronologically as well as the threat level. See answers below if you need support, if you cannot remember what a living graph is  or to see how accurate were you. (We have completed a living graph at school before).




ART Home Learning – Viking Weapons

Take a look at the sword handles and blades below. Can you create your own intricate design and add details to represent Viking tribes? Be as creative as you like – which patterns would you choose for them?




Music Home Learning Video Links









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