Home learning :  20.03.2020

Reading comprehension

Please see attached the non- fiction report on Earthquakes. Answer the questions at the bottom of the sheet.

  • If it feels tricky, try the * sheet
  • If you feel confident, try the ** sheet
  • If you feel ready for a challenge, try the *** sheet


In addition, please continue to read 20-30 minutes daily. Try and read a range of texts too.

Writing activity

Below is a link to a picture of a habitat that is in danger. As we have been writing passionately to Greta Thunberg about climate change recently, can you now apply those skills at home? Write a letter to persuade humans to treat animals with more respect. Please include: rhetorical questions, deforestation facts, causal conjunctions and time words.



This week, we would like you to practise the following Y3/4 spelling words from our list:

through     thought     favourite    ought    although   enough

Pick one of the following strategies, to practise your words: rainbow write, pyramid or spelling staircase. Can you highlight the digraphs?

Please note: for those working on Y2 common exception words, use the following online word search instead (play using ‘single player’ mode).



As we have started our learning on multiplication, below is a link to a fun combination game. Think systematically to be effective and use the grid at the bottom of the webpage to draw out the ‘sets’ of coloured cups and saucers. If you are finding this tricky- change the problem to only white, red and blue cups then complete on a grid of 12 boxes. If you would like a challenge, add one extra colour and another row to your grid!


Remember that Sumdog and Times tables rockstars have also been updated with activities.


We have been learning about teeth! Here’s a science project to reinforce the importance of tooth brushing: place an egg in vinegar for a couple of days, the vinegar will eat off the shell (tooth enamel). Can you record what you observe each day?

Pick one of the following tasks, the details of which can be found on the website below…

  • Smiles collage (challenge: label each type of tooth you made)
  • ‘Good food for my teeth’ poster (challenge: add a calcium fact)



Following on from our learning on volcanoes, please take a look on the following website and use the information to create your own Health and Safety poster, to warn people about the dangers of living near a volcano.


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