Welcome back!

Dear all,
In English this week, we have begun a new unit based on The Snowman by Raymond Briggs. The children made snowmen to get in the characters and have looked at the book to create descriptive language
In Maths, we have started our multiplication and division unit. This week we have been multiplying by 10 and 100 and applying this skill to problem solving.
In RE, we continued our Prayers, Saints and Feasts unit. This week we have been planning what we would include in a ‘Guide to Praying’. We thought about how, when, where, what, why Jesus would have advised us to pray to inform the children’s research.
In Science, we have concluded an investigation and drawn diagrams and annotated our scientific thinking to show what we have learned over this unit.

Golden Key
4s: Benji Ford: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to be a great role model in learning, focus and behaviour.’
4B: Edie Phillips: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to be a kind and caring member of the class’
Showstopper Writer:
4S: Promise Mdnzebele: ‘For writing a thoughtful reflective piece about silent prayer’.
4B: Daniel Warren: ‘For thinking about prayer and what it means to him.’
Mathemagician for October 2018:
4S: Fern Layton: ‘For showing great commitment to improving her Maths work’.
4B: Taylor Bryden: ‘For consistently working hard and challenging himself’.

Tuesday 13th November – Year3/4 Mass at Sacred Heart Church. Any volunteers to walk from school to church would be greatly appreciated. A letter will go home next week so please return slip if you are able to help.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

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