Friday 23rd March 2018

This week in Maths we have been looking at using mental strategies to calculate multiplication problems e.g to solve 24 x 6 you could do (2×12) x 6, (6×2) x 12 or (12×6) x 2. Then, we have looked at solving 2-digit by 1-digit and 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication calculation using the grid method.
The children have been asked to practice the grid method with 2-digit by 1-digit and 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication calculations.

In English, we’ve been planning our letter as Jemmy Button addressed to his Mother. This has involved using a wide range of skills such as: fronted adverbials, time conjunctions, 5 senses, subordinate clauses. We will begin writing our letters on Monday.

In RE, we’ve spent time understanding the parable of the Tax Collector and Pharisee. The children have made beautiful Hands of Prayer and detailed responses.

For spellings this week the are continuing with:

Group 1






Group 2







This is the c/k/ck rule. The test will be on the 30th March, and ten words that follow the rule will be tested, so children must practice not only the words they are given.

We’ve sent home the Disclosing Tablets for the children to try. Please follow the guidance stated on the information sheet. We hope you find them useful!

Have a delightful weekend!

Team 4.

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