Friday 9th February 2018

In Maths this week, we have begun our Geometry unit and looked at different triangles and their corresponding properties. The first week back will involve learning about different quadrilaterals and how to classify them correctly. Some pre learning over half term would be fantastic!

Please note that in the video above, ‘Trapezoid’ is the American term for a trapezium.


In English, we’ve been writing, editing and publishing our Peter Pan play scripts to send to the Hayling Theatre Group.

In RE, we have concluded our unit on Revelations and look forward to starting Lent after the break.

For homework over half term the children have been given an extensive list of spellings to practise. The rules are: ‘W or wh’ words e.g with, what etc. and ‘gh’ word e.g. caught, enough etc.

For Maths, the children have been told to practise anything they have found challenging over this half term. This could involve consolidating their understanding of:

  • Solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations
  • Word problems involving any of the four operations (with two steps or more)
  • Inverse
  • Time (converting between 12hr and 24hr and drawing hands on a clock face)
  • Area and perimeter
  • Converting between different units of measurement

Congratulations to James Riggs, Islwyn Mainwaring and Jacob Kurowski! These children have been chosen as Year 4’s finalists for the Poetry Recital which will take place on March 9th. Please remember to bring props!


Have a wonderful half term, we look forward to seeing you all on the 19th! We wish Miss Hill a particularly wonderful half term as she spends it on honeymoon with her HUSBAND, returning to us as Mrs Pike.

Team 4.

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