Wc 18th October 2021

It’s been a long and busy term but we have now completed our first half term in Year Three. We can’t express enough how impressed we have been with the way the children have adapted to life in Year 3.

This week we have been practising learning the poem ‘the sound collector’ off by heart to perform to an audience next term. The children have been adding by actions to help them remember the words and to make it come to life.

In Maths, we have continued to learn about adding and subtracting with measure. We have been learning to add 2 or 3 amounts and subtract from a measure such as 1m. Some children started converting measure too – 120cm becomes 1m and 20cm. The children’s ere also learning compliments to 100(2 numbers that equal 100. ) This is some thing the children struggle with and so more practise would be a great way to support at home.

In Spellings we have continued to learn about homophones while the children consolidating phonics have been looking at the ‘ir’ sound.

The children have some home learning to complete over the week. Don’t forget to login to Sumdog and Times table rockstars.

We wish for you all to have a fun, safe and most importantly healthy half term break. See you in a week.

Team three.

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