Growth Mindset


We hope you have all had a pleasant weekend and that you feel refreshed and ready for the week ahead!

Last week, Year Three worked hard to ensure they showed commitment and perseverance when given tricky challenge feedback to respond to, across their curriculum learning…

In English, the children evaluated their Rainforest information leaflets and made necessary improvements and edits to their work, against our class Success Criteria. It was great to witness the children giving their peers constructive feedback and embracing opportunities to enhance the quality and presentation of their own pieces of work. To deepen and embed their Rainforest learning, both classes have now taken part in a debate about Deforestation – they did a fantastic job presenting the views of different characters (a business man, an explorer and a Rainforest tribe). Well done Year Three! This week, we look forward to writing our own letters to the Brazillian government and creating our own arguments for/against Deforestation. Towards the end of the week, the children shall be given the opportunity to perform and recite their KS2 poems in class so that finalists may be selected for the competition after half term.

In Maths, the children continued to explore their learning on multiplication and division. Year Three used a variety of Maths tools and concrete resources (Numicon, Beastrings, Diennes and Place Value counters) to practically solve a range of multiplication problems then prove/explain their answers. This week, both classes shall learn how to draw pictures and diagrams, to show an alternative representation of worded problems before solving them with Maths Toolkits.

We hope you all have a great week,

Miss Honeywell, Mrs Luter and Mrs Sumba.

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