Fairtrade Farmer

Today all of Year Three were lucky enough to go over to Oaklands to meet a Fairtrade farmer. He taught us about how he works and his life. His life was difficult before Fairtrade .He had a hurricane that  destroyed his farm. Fairtrade helped him and helped his life . He lives in Columbia and he grows bananas .  Fairtrade helped him with his children to go to school, have uniform, kit and eat properly in his life. They also helped him buy chickens and cows.banana-split

If banana growers are not part of Fairtrade, we were shocked to hear that the person who sold the bananas got the most amount of money!!! The people that worked and grew the bananas got least amount of money!!!

This is not fair! Everyone needs to buy fairtrade food, to help other children and families who deserve the correct amount of money for their hard work.

By Alicia.R , Tia ,Cecilia Crocker , Joshua.Hunter