Brilliant Butser!


The children all enjoyed our fantastic trip to Butser Hill last week where we were lucky enough to have beautiful weather. They were able to have a hands on experience of what life would have been like in the stone age and learnt lots more about our topic.

Some of the activities the children took part in were:

  • Making bracelets and necklaces from wool
  • Moulding clay pots
  • Helped to build a stone age fence
  • Ground chalk with mallets
  • Looked around round houses
  • Visited the pigs and Goats

Photos of the day will be added to the blog this week.

Home Learning

The children learnt lots more about the stone age period and are eager to learn more! We have attached the Stone Age home learning pyramid below for the children to start completing some of the tasks for this half term. The children have also stuck these in their home learning books to give them some ideas.

Home learning – Iron Age

Abacus and Bugclub have been updated and ready for the children to do their weekly learning.

Thank you,

Year 3 Team