Home Learning

Year 2 Home Learning

Friday 20th March 2020


Please continue to read daily for 10-15 minutes.

On www.twinkl.com you will be able to access many reading comprehension activities.

(in the search bar, type year 2 reading comprehension and you will find a variety of tasks available to you. If your child is finding this a challenge, please remember you can search for a younger year group)


As our school trip was cancelled, we are going to be writing an information sheet about the Titanic. See below the letter we have already shared with the children.


Dear the pupils of St Peter’s Catholic Primary School.

We are writing to you to tell you how disappointed we are that we did not get the opportunity to see you today. We have heard from your teachers that you are incredibly knowledgeable about the Titanic already and that you have all learnt so much about it both at home and in school.
We hope you won’t mind helping us. Please could you design and create an information sheet for us all about Titanic. The aim of this information sheet would be to help other visitors to the museum learn all about Titanic herself.

Please ensure your writing includes lots of description in order for the other visitors to have a clear image of The Titanic imprinted in their mind.

Thank you for your help,
The Sea City Museum

Your information MUST include:

  • Title
  • Subheadings
  • Illustrations
  • Facts
  • Conjunctions

Please feel free to make your information sheets bright, bold and creative.


On SUMDOG, you will find set spelling challenges to be completed. In addition, please continue to practise your Letters and Sounds using resources from www.twinkl.com and www.phonicsplay.co.uk



On Sumdog, you will find set Maths challenges and times tables activities.

Here is a reminder of strategies to use:


We have been learning about different habitats: polar, coastal and woodland. Your challenge this week is to research and draw a habitat of your choice e.g. rainforest, marine, desert or safari. You may choose to make a model, paint a picture or create a Powerpoint.

Topic (2 weeks)

Use the internet, and or books, to create a Kenyan flag. You could draw it, paint it or create a collage.

Can you create a poster answering the following questions:

What is the climate like in Kenya?

What animals live in Kenya?

What types of homes do people live in?


From Year 2 team.

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