Monthly Archives: June, 2015

Home Learning

Home Learning 26.6.15


Next week we are going to be writing fantasy stories. What is your favourite fantasy or adventure story? Have a read through it and make a list of the main characters and setting. What makes it so thrilling to read?


We have been learning about giving change. Can you make a shop at home and practise paying and working out the change? Remember you can use a number line to SUBTRACT E.g. 50p-25p=___


Next week is Saint Peter and Saint Paul week. Can you find out about on of these Saints so you can teach the class about them on Monday? You could even make a power point!


Carry on practising spelling the 100 high frequency words. How many have you learnt so far? Perhaps you could test yourself!

Remember, practice makes perfect!

Home Learning 19.6.15


Have you heard The Twits want to come and teach at our school?! Can you write a character description of the sort of teacher you would like in Year 3?


We have been learning about money. How many 5ps are there in a £1.00? How many 2ps are in 34p? How many 10ps are there in £1.50? Use your time tables to solve problems like these.


Find out more about Baptism. Were you baptised? What did you wear? What do people wear when they are baptised or christened? Why do they wear special clothes? Are they given gifts?



How many of the first 100 high frequency words can you spell correctly? Put this sheet up on your fridge and challenge yourself to learn to spell a new one every day.


If you can spell all of them, practise other spellings you find challenging like where, were, wear, their, they’re and there.

Home Learning 12th June 2015

Home Learning 8.6.15


Not all schools use the 5Cs. Can you write a letter to Mrs Phillip’s new school persuading them to also use the 5Cs? What are all of the 5Cs? Why are they important? What do they help us to do?


Can you think of all the coins we use in England? Can you count how much money is in your piggy bank? If you had to buy an apple for 72p, what coins could you use?


What is communion? Could you ask a family member? Could you Google it? Could you find a book from the library to look at?


Miss Smillie’s Group– Practise changing base words to plurals e.g. tree – trees, baby – babies, half – halves. What different suffixes can you find?

Miss Hele/ Mrs Wickes’ Group– Use the Ikea website or catalogue. Can you read the alien names of some of the furniture? Can you make up your own alien words? Test yourself and your family on the words you have made!

Miss Stinton’s Group– Continue to make your own alien words using the phase 5 sounds which you find trickiest to remember. Test yourself and your family on the words you have made! Could you use the sound /oo/ from this week?

Home Learning


Can you write a diary, pretending to be someone else? You could write as one of your favourite story characters. Remember to practise using time connectives, adverbs and adverbial phrases.


Can you tell the time to the nearest o’clock, half-past, quarter-past and quarter-to?


Perhaps you could write your diary as one of the disciples during the story of Pentecost? Remember to include the key skills above from our literacy lessons this week!



Miss Smillie’s Group- Practise the homophones: there/their, sea/see, our/are, where/were.

Miss Hele/ Mrs Wickes’ Group- Make your own alien words using the ue, ir and er digraphs. Which you find trickiest to remember? Test yourself and your family on the words you have made!

Miss Stinton’s Group- Make your own alien words using the phase 5 sounds which you find trickiest to remember. Test yourself and your family on the words you have made!

Finally, this week we have started our new topic ‘Exploring Science’. Please take a look at the new home learning pyramid in your learning adventure book and plan what you would like to do over the next few weeks.


Visiting Artist

Yesterday we had a very exciting visitor!

Jackie Greenhowe, a local artist, came in to Year Two to share some of her pictures and teach us how to draw a duckling.

We listened really well and were so in awe of her talent!

Below are some pictures of what we did.

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