Home Learning


Think about making your Lenten promises as a family. What other things can you do to distract you from temptations during Lent? Perhaps plan some family time away from the TV or games consoles!


Miss Smillie’s Phonics Group – Find base words that end in ‘y’ e.g. happy, carry, worry – can you change the suffix (ending) to create new words e.g. carry – carried and think about the spelling.

Miss Hele’s/ Mrs Wickes’ Phonics Group– Find words with the /ew/ sound spelt ‘ue’, ‘oo’ and ‘u_e’.

Miss Stinton’s Phonics Group– Practice spelling the tricky words: mouse, once, because, please and work.


During our mental maths today, a lot of children still struggled to ‘find the difference’ between two numbers. Please practice finding the difference between numbers like 11 and 4 or 5 and 13. You can put the smaller number in your head and then count on using your fingers to the larger number. As a number sentence this would look like:

4 + ___ = 11  or  11 = 4 + ___  or  11 – ___ = 4  or  4 = 11 – ___

Bug Club, Abacus

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