Monthly Archives: December, 2016

A new baby has been born!

Jesus was born in a stable.

I’m pretty sure that none of you were!
Over the holidays, can you collect a picture or some information about your birth story.
You could tell us where the hospital was or if you were born at home. You may tell us your size or show us a photo of your first outfit.
This information will help us in out RE learning after Christmas.

Thank you


We take great pleasure in wishing you are very merry Christmas! Thank you for all your cards and gifts. I’m sure you will enjoy the festivities of Christmas and if you are stuck for some ideas of activities, please see the suggestions below.
We look forward to seeing you in 2017,
The Year One team!


The Aliens Have Landed!

As you may have spotted, this week’s Home Learning is to practise making alien words with your child. I’m sure this seems rather odd when many children are still learning to write basic words however the Year One Phonics Screening Check is 50% alien (or Pseudo) words as well as the real words.

Why teach alien words?

Pupils who can read pseudo words should have the skills to decode almost any unfamiliar word. The Government’s evaluation showed that pupils generally enjoyed the pseudo words. Of course, it is important that children understand the difference between real words and pseudo words.

Here are some examples to help you at home.

nonsense-words nonsense-words2