Welcome back to a new adventure

How wonderful to open our doors wide and welcome back to St Peter’s all our pupils in Years 1 to 6 on Thursday morning.  As you would expect, the children settled down to learning with their new teachers straight away, with outstanding behaviour and fantastic attitudes to the schoolwork.

On Friday, in socially distanced assemblies comprising just 2 year groups at a time, I used the classic and delightful ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ to explain to pupils how each September is like the outset of a great new adventure. And even though in the story the family race home when they do actually meet a bear (!), just like the St Peter’s family they all stick together through every challenge, triumph and adventure.

Monday’s worship in school, again comprising just 2 year groups at a time in the hall, will centre on the story in Mark’s Gospel (7: 31-37) of Jesus giving speech and hearing to a dumb and deaf man.  Just as we should be open to the word of God and spread Jesus’ message in our words, so too I know that St Peter’s pupils are always open to learn from their teachers and peers, and help one another make progress to greater things during each school day.

Monday 6th September will also see the arrival of our youngest pupils in Year R as they begin their transition into Early Years, the first days of their great adventure with us here at St Peter’s.

Mr R Cunningham

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