Well established learning routines

We have reached the end of the first full school week, and the pupils have returned to school exceptionally well. Having had successful transition days in July, we were able to settle straight down to hard work on the first day of term last week after whole school worship, and that spirit has continued throughout this week. I have had cause to show several visitors around the school in the first 9 days of term, and without fail each of them has commented on how industrious and focussed our pupils are. It is great to see that even after 6 weeks of holidays, the children know what is expected of them in terms of work, behaviour and effort.

All of this will, in time, serve as a great example to our newest arrivals. The new intake of Reception children began their 2 week induction process on Monday of this week, and they have taken to Primary School like ducklings to water. This is due in no small part to the skill and dedication of our Early Years staff team. Having spent last week clocking up the miles on home visits, Mrs Jonas, Mrs Light, Mrs White, Mrs King, Mrs Graham, Mrs Aquilina and Miss Ingleby have created a wonderful and welcoming environment for our youngest learners. On behalf of the Year R families, I express my thanks and admiration for the great work they do in the Early Years area.

Mr R Cunningham


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