Author Archive: Miss R Moncreaff

Happy snow day!

What a fabulous week it has been. We have enjoyed bedtime story hour, lots of exploring the snow and now a day at home to enjoy it!

Please stay safe in the snow and make the most of it.

We are looking forward to parents evenings next week to let you know about how well your children have settled and how much they can now do!

See you next week,

The Early Years Team

Mile for Maisie

I was incredibly proud of our children, not only for their stamina with running but also for their generosity. As a year group, reception raised £59.12 for the Hampshire air ambulance, and put all of their might into doing laps of the playground in Fridays’s dull weather.

Well dome, Year R!




Dear Parents,

We are preparing for Christmas in YR and are busily getting ready for the nativity. We are also walking to Sacred Heart for the first time this week. Please ask your children about all of these experiences. Also,  thank you to all who volunteered and came to Staunton with us on Monday!

The Early Years Team

Nearly Half Term

Thanks to all who attended the Welcome Meeting on Monday. We hope it has made a difference to your understanding of how to support your children with their learning at home.

There is only one more week until half term when your children get a well-deserved break!

Have a great weekend,


The Early Years Team

Welcome Meeting Tomorrow!

Hello all!

We have been waiting until your children are sufficiently settled to have our welcome meeting but the time has come!

We will see you at 3.20 tomorrow in Seahorse Class to give more information and answer any questions you may have.

See you tomorrow,

The Early Years Team

Our fab week

Have your children been telling you all about their week?

We have been so busy! We have made shape sandwiches, been to the woods again, had another trip to the library and many more bits and bobs! Log on to tapestry to find out more. We can see you have been enjoying bug club, but if you have any problems logging on to any of the services please contact Miss Moncreaff.

Have a lovely weekend and get a good night’s sleep ready for starting full time on Monday!

Thanks for all your support,

The Early Years Team

Welcome Back!

We have really enjoyed our home visits this week and hope you have to. It has been so kind of you to welcome us into your homes and we must say a big ‘thank you’ as it sends a very clear message to the children: that we are all working as a team!

We hope your little ones are ready and excited for Monday! We do expect a few tears (mainly from the parents) anf assure you that we do not take this important day in your childs life lightly. They will be well looked-after and will have lots of fun, so please do not worry!

See you Monday, with labelled uniform, bookbags and maybe the children too!

The Early Years Team



Sports day!

We hope you have had a lovely week.

It has been great to end the week with a little bit of sunshine!


Weather permitting, on Thursday, we will be having sports day. Please do not forget to send your child in IN THEIR PE KIT and HOUSE COLOURED TOP!

If you cannot remember your child’s house please speak to the office as they have a list and can let you know which colour they need to wear. We hope to see as many of you as possible to cheer us on!

Have a lovely weekend,


The Early Years Team

Welcome back!

We hope you had a great half term and an even better time at St Peter’s Fest on Friday! Can you write to us about it?

We have also been busy practising for sports day: please keep improving your skills in the garden at home!

Have a good week…


The Early Years Team

Home Learning pyramid… Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

Bloom’s HL – the seaside