Monthly Archives: September, 2015

Our first FULL week!

It has been a VERY full week this week!

Teachers and visitors around the school have all commented on how well settled, and confident in their environment, the new Year R children are after only being full-time for one week.

It has been a very busy week.

We discovered a bear print in our outdoor play area. Then we made bear traps and barricades in our play to keep out the teddy bears.


Mrs O’Carolan was especially scared of the bear so we made posters saying ‘Beware of the Bear’ and ‘Keep Out Bears’ to help keep our play area safe.


Yesterday it was teddy bear’s birthday and he was four. We talked about how old we are and showed if we knew some significant numbers like our age, door number, brother/ sister’s age etc.


We loved reading and drawing numbers. We practised showing what the numbers represent with equipment.

Today we had our open morning so we played outside this morning and showed some visitors the lovely things we can do in our play area. We also practised our spreading skills and made toast! (Eating it was our favourite bit.)


This afternoon we went on a bear hunt to the woods. We found the naught teddy bear hiding in a tree. He has promised to leave our play area alone now. We climbed some trees, with the support of Mrs White, and we also found some woodlice.


This week we have learnt the sounds: S, A, T, P, I.

If you would like to practice them at home, make sure you say the pure sound rather than putting an ‘er’ on the end like ‘ser’, ‘per’ ‘ter’. This is a great video, showing pronunciation of sounds:

Here is a link to some games you could play:

We hope you have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday!

Mrs Stray and Miss Moncreaff

Seahorse and Starfish Classes are settling in!

We have had such a lovely second week so far! We have been to the library, the ICT suite, out to play, the woods, and all sorts! We hope you enjoyed the crumble made from blackberries we picked on the school field.
Have a lovely weekend!
The Early Years Team

Our First Week At School

Starfish and Seahorse Class have had a fantastic first week at school!

We have been very busy learning our new routines and rules, making friends and having lots of fun of course!

Today we had our first PE discovery time. We learnt how to get changed for PE in our classrooms and the children were all very patient and tried really hard to be independent.

We can’t wait to go to the woods on Monday! Please remember to have your waterproof coat with you in school (just in case)

Below are some photos of our first week at school:

Starfish Group A


Starfish Group B


Seahorse Group A


Seahorse Group B


Welcome to Year R!

We hope you are enjoying your first days at St. Peters. We have certainly loved having you!

What a fabulous few days we have had- a treasure hunt around the school, paddling barefoot in the stream, stories, drawing, playing and meeting new friends!


Please also remember that Wednesday is library day, so if your child is coming in for the afternoon they will need to return their school library book in order to take out another one. Group A will get to change their books next week.

See you tomorrow,


The Early Years Team