Monthly Archives: March, 2018

23rd March, 2018

This week the children have been working on numbers with up to three decimal places, ordering them on a number line and adding them. In English, they have been writing and editing their adventure stories and are almost ready to publish them.

Please continue to work on the spelling lists, using the strategies given. Also help children to learn words containing ei or ie.

This week Orla Carey (5E) received the golden leaf award for always working hard and doing his best. Sophie Kidd (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Kristopher Baker (5T) received the golden leaf award for his effort and improvement in Maths. Nicolas Renji (5T) has his writing on the showstopper wall too.

As Mr. Cunningham has written in his blog, several children from Year 5 accompanied him to Basingstoke yesterday to present our Prayer Garden plans to a panel of judges. They thoroughly enjoyed their day and came back feeling very proud of themselves. The rest of the group is looking forward to the opportunity to make a presentation to other groups of people who might help us raise funds.

Next Thursday is 5T’s last swimming lesson. The whole of Year 5 has enjoyed the swimming experience this term and it is very satisfying to see the progress made.

Have an enjoyable and relaxing weekend,

The Year 5 team.

Friday, 16th March 2018

This week the children have been learning about multiplying fractions and mixed numbers and finding fractions of quantities. They have continued to show their understanding by drawing bar models and fraction walls. In English, they have been planning an adventure story using sentence techniques to create excitement and suspense.

Please continue to work on the spelling lists, using the strategies given. Also, remind children to learn words from their personal spelling lists. Reading comprehension homework is due on Monday, when another one will be sent home.

This week, Sienna Tooes (5T) received the golden leaf award for consistently working hard to deliver class work and home learning. Troy Tyler (5T) has his writing on the showstopper wall. Mrs Edge will catch up on her class when she returns to school.

Have a relaxing weekend – hopefully not too cold!

The Year 5 team

9th March 2018

This week the children have been learning about comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting fractions. They have found equivalent fractions and simplified them and have remembered how to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers. They have been showing their understanding by drawing bar models and fraction walls. In English, they have been focusing on sentence work using modal verbs and learning about the rule of three.

Please continue to work on the spelling lists, using the strategies given. Also, remind children to learn words from their personal spelling lists. Reading comprehension homework is due on Monday, when another one will be sent home.

This week Ethan Baker (5E) received the golden leaf award for being helpful and organised before school. Anna-Louise Heathcote (5E) has her writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Lily Tan (5T) received the golden leaf award for her effort and co-operation when working with other children. Lilli Zaczek (5T) has her writing on the showstopper wall.

We all thoroughly enjoyed our poetry competition this afternoon. Congratulations to Sam Mpario, Nicolas Renji and Lilli Zaczek for representing Year Five so well.


Have a relaxing weekend and a happy Mothers’ Day,

The Year 5 team