Friday 2nd February, 2018

This week the children have been dividing 2- and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit. They have been drawing this out visually and using the short division method. They have also applied their multiplication and division knowledge to solving problems in context. Please practise related skills from the maths homework book that we sent home earlier this week. In English, they have been writing to persuade people to go on holiday to Pandora. They have also been editing their work using a set of success criteria.

Please continue to work on the spelling lists, using the strategies given. Also practise words beginning with ‘ex’ ready for the spelling test next week.

This week John Mawanda (5E) received the golden leaf award for persevering in maths and using different methods. Samuel Mpario (5E) has his writing displayed on the showstoppers wall. Kyle Gardner (5T) received the golden leaf award for always trying his best and having a really positive attitude. Yohan Jossey (5T) has his writing on the showstopper wall too.

The children have enjoyed another STEM day today – making the tallest launch tower they could, for a space rocket, out of raw spaghetti and marshmallows. Hopefully many will now realise that triangles are good at stabilizing structures. Some children then went on to build the rocket that would accompany the launch tower.

Just a reminder that 5E have their last swimming session next Thursday (see Mr Cunningham’s blog regarding his visit to the pool) and 5T will begin their sessions the first Thursday after half term. We also have our visit to the Science Museum on Tuesday.

Have a super weekend,

The Year 5 team

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