Monthly Archives: October, 2015

Library visit

Year Three’s wonderful explanation texts on how a dinosaur ‘really works’ have been displayed in Waterlooville library. If you have time in the half term, please pop upstairs into the children’s section to admire all of their fantastic writing. The display will be in the library until the end of November.

Well done Year Three!

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Home Learning and Library visit

Home Learning

Spelling: Vowel Suffix ‘ion’

In Year Three we learn our spellings every day in lessons ready to be tested on that Friday. We will then send home a sheet of spellings from the test with the words that they spelt wrong highlight in pink for them to keep practising.  The sheet is in the home learning book.

However, If they scored 15/15 on the recent spelling test, they can use the dictionary to find trickier words ending in ‘ion’ for their home  spellings this week such as struggling.

Times Tables:  We have a times tables test every Monday in Year Three. If there is a times table the children need to practice, we will send them home with a sheet to support them and practice for the next test.

Literacy: Try writing an explanation text for how something works.  It would be something you make up yourself i.e. ‘How does a Room Tidier 3000 work?’ or maybe a machine which can help you learn your times tables?

On Tuesday 20th October, the children in year 3 will be walking to Waterlooville library to present their explanation texts about ‘How a dinosaur really works’. The children have been creating their own dinosaurs and deciding how they might work internally.

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 3 team.


Celtic day!

Year Three had  a fantastic Friday experiencing how to be a Celt!

We went onto the playground and made cave paintings, we ventured into the wooded area and built round houses too out of mud and sticks. In the afternoon we tried weaving, jewellery making and even made secret codes out of ancient Runes!

Thank you for providing the children with fantastic costumes, they really enjoyed themselves.


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Celtic Day – Friday 9th October 2015

On Friday, it is our Celtic day.  The children should come to school dressed in old clothes that can they can get dirty in preferably dark clothes.  We will be outside for the best part of the morning.  Please do not worry about elaborate costumes but if the children have prepared a costume, we look forward to seeing it on Friday.  Last year, some children wore picnic blankets as tunics and put a little bit of face paint on their faces.

On the day we will be doing some cave painting, weaving, pottery and much more.  We hope the children enjoy their day re-enacting life as a Celt!

Year 3 Team