3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

How do we follow Jesus in our daily lives? This question was the focus of our whole school worship on Monday. Jesus asks us to ‘follow’ Him but unlike Simon, Andrew, James and John in the Gospel reading we cannot see Jesus and go with Him as he travels round the country! So what does Jesus want us to do? Following worship we will be helping the children to reflect on various bible stories and find the message within them about how we can follow Jesus.

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All classes have begun a unit in the RE curriculum called Revelations. This is all about how God is revealed to us in our daily lives and to those in the bible. How do we become closer to God? Year 3 are learning about how Samuel responded to God’s call but also thinking about how we can respond to God. We looked back at our learning about creation to help us with this.

Image result for samuel responds to Gods call


Who are the characters in this painting? What are they talking about?

Best wishes for the week,

Mrs. Luter





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